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THE best way to get your kids introduced to golf at a young age.  A Fundamental & Game Based curriculum using kid friendly equipment specifically designed to simplify the learning process in a Playful Environment. This class will use equipment from SNAG & USKIDS – NO CLUBS NECESSARY   

4 Class per Session: 45 Minutes each Week

Lead by USKIDS GOLF TOP 50 MASTER Kids Teacher

Chris Knobloch

                                          FALL 2024 SCHEDULE

Tuesdays & Thursdays – 3:00 – 3:45 @ Summer Grove Golf Club
SEPT | OCT    




COST: $ 120 per Session / per Junior 

Each Session is 4 Class and Students must sign up for each session to attend.

NO SHOW Fee will be charged if the Junior Golfer is signed up for a class and does not attend.   $ 50 NO SHOW FEE.

*Tuition for a Session must be paid on the first class day of each session – if a student cannot make their class, they may attend another class on another day to make up for their missed class within the same month.  Please let your coach know if you what class you will be attending for their missed class.


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